Easy Simple Steps to Clean Your Green Pool With Bleach

Are you fed up with that unattractive green pool? Dive into the ultimate solution for restoring its gleaming clarity! Confronting a green pool can be intimidating, but fear not: my experience in pool management has led me to an excellent and cost-effective solution.

In this blog post, you’ll learn how to get rid of algae and regain your oasis with the help of a powerful ally: bleach! Use the transformational power of this simple household product to combat the green menace and restore the immaculate condition of your pool.

I’ll walk you through the procedure step by step, offering helpful hints and safeguards along the way. Say goodbye to murky water and hello to a vivid, pleasant swim! Let’s jump in and use bleach to revitalise your pool!

How to Use Bleach to Clean Your Green Pool

Using bleach, an easily available and potent disinfectant is one efficient approach for dealing with a green pool. We will look at how to clean a green pool with bleach in this step-by-step guide, providing extensive information on each stage to help you obtain a clear and beautiful swimming pool.

How to Clean a Green Pool With Bleach

Step 1: Safety must be prioritised

Take the essential precautions to protect yourself from any hazards before beginning the procedure of cleaning a green pool with bleach. Wear suitable PPE, such as safety goggles to protect your eyes from chemical splashes, chemical-resistant gloves to protect your hands, and a face mask to avoid inhaling fumes.

Also, before you begin working on the pool, make sure the pool pump and filter are turned off. This precaution will help you avoid any mishaps or injuries while working with pool water and chemicals. Remember to lock the pool area or post warning signs to keep youngsters and dogs away while the pool is being cleaned.

Step 2: Determine and Adjust pH Levels

Before attempting to clean a green pool using bleach, it is necessary to test the pH levels of the water. To determine the pH of the water, use a dependable pool water testing kit. A green pool frequently implies an uneven pH, which might reduce the efficacy of the bleach treatment.

Pool water should have a pH between 7.2 and 7.6. If the pH is less than 7.2, it is considered too acidic and must be increased. To raise the pH, use soda ash (sodium carbonate) or sodium bicarbonate; if the pH is higher than 7.6, it is too alkaline and must be reduced. To lower the pH to the acceptable range, use muriatic acid (hydrochloric acid).

Add the pH-adjusting chemicals in little amounts, testing the water after each addition, until the appropriate pH range is reached. Proper pH levels are critical for chlorine (bleach) to be efficient in eliminating algae and germs.

Step 3: Debris Removal and Skimming

Remove any visible debris floating on the pool’s surface before putting bleach into the water. Skim the water using a pool skimmer or net to remove leaves, twigs, insects, and other debris. This step is critical because it improves the efficiency of the bleach treatment by minimising the amount of organic materials in the water. Skimming also keeps the pool filter from clogging, allowing it to work properly during the cleaning procedure.

Step 4: Surprise the Pool

Shocking the pool is an important step in efficiently cleaning a green pool. Shocking is the process of rapidly increasing the chlorine levels in water by introducing a significant dosage of chlorine to it. This high concentration of chlorine aids in the destruction of algae and germs that cause the pool to turn green.

Select a chlorine shock product that contains a high percentage of active chemicals, such as calcium hypochlorite or sodium dichloroisocyanurate. To establish the right dosage based on the size of your pool, follow the manufacturer’s recommendations on the product label. Most shock treatments are granular and should be dissolved in a bucket of water before being added to the pool.

To ensure that the shock treatment is distributed uniformly, go around the pool perimeter and slowly pour the dissolved shock solution into the water. Avoid applying the shock treatment near the pool’s walls or steps, since this may result in bleaching or damage to the pool’s surface.

Step 5: Circulate and Wait

Allow the pool pump and filter to run continuously for at least 24 hours after adding the shock treatment. The pool water will be thoroughly circulated during this period, allowing the shock treatment to diffuse evenly throughout the water. The circulation is critical for effective treatment because it ensures that the correct quantity of chlorine is delivered to all regions of the pool to neutralise algae and germs.

Avoid using the pool during this time since high chlorine levels might be dangerous to swimmers. After the 24-hour period, use a pool testing kit to confirm that the chlorine levels have recovered to a safe range of 1 to 3 parts per million.

Step 6: Brush the pool walls and floor

After the waiting period is over, scrub the pool walls and floor to eliminate algae and other impurities. Depending on the pool surface material (concrete, fibreglass, or vinyl), use a pool brush with nylon or stainless steel bristles.

Begin from one end of the pool and work your way to the other, brushing the walls, steps, and floor as you go. Pay special attention to areas with apparent algae development or black patches. To avoid injuring the pool surface, be thorough yet careful. Brushing loosens the algae and allows the bleach to neutralise and eradicate it.

Step 7: Measure and mix in the bleach

Before adding bleach to the pool, use a pool test kit to determine the existing chlorine levels. Chlorine bleach is an extremely strong disinfectant that eliminates algae and germs, changing the green pool into clear, welcoming water.

Pool bleach is normally sold in liquid form and in a variety of concentrations. Refer to the bleach product label to calculate the appropriate dosage based on the size of your pool and the current chlorine levels. Avoid using bleach with added smells or chemicals, since they may interfere with the pool’s chemistry.

Pour the necessary amount of bleach around the pool’s perimeter, spreading it as evenly as possible. If your pool has weak circulation, target those areas to ensure that the bleach reaches all portions of the pool.

Step 8: Keep Circulating and Monitoring

Allow the pool pump and filter to run for another 24 hours after applying the bleach. The constant circulation allows the bleach to properly mix with the water, allowing it to reach every area of the pool and effectively disinfect it.

During this time, it is critical to use the pool testing kit to periodically monitor the chlorine levels. If the chlorine levels are still too low after 24 hours, use extra bleach as needed to bring them up to the recommended range (1 to 3 parts per million).

Step 9: Fine Filtration

As the water clears and the green colour fades, you may observe some small debris suspended in the water. A pool clarifier or flocculant can help with this. A pool clarifier works by aggregating smaller particles into larger clusters, allowing the pool filter to catch and remove them more easily.

When applying a pool clarifier or flocculant, carefully follow the package directions. Some products require you to apply the chemical straight to the pool water, whereas others require you to add it to the skimmer or pump basket.

Allow the pool filter to run continuously for many hours, or as directed by the manufacturer. The filter will trap larger clumps of particles, resulting in clearer water.

Step 10: Maintaining Proper Pool Chemistry

Once your pool water is clear and balanced, it is critical to maintain proper pool chemistry to avoid a green pool. Test and regulate the pH and chlorine levels on a regular basis to keep the water clean and safe for swimming.

Water chemistry should be tested at least twice a week during periods of high pool use or hot weather, and once a week during less active seasons. To ensure effective filtration, keep the pool skimmer and pump basket clean, and backwash or clean the pool filter as needed.

In addition to keeping chemical balance, skim the pool on a regular basis to remove debris and use a pool vacuum to clean the pool’s bottom. Proper maintenance and cleaning will keep your pool sparkling clean and welcoming for your enjoyment.

Cleaning a green pool with bleach necessitates meticulous planning, attention to detail, and strict respect for safety precautions. You can effectively eliminate algae and germs by following this step-by-step guide, to restoring your pool to its beautiful blue state. To enjoy a clean, clear, and attractive swimming pool all year, remember to prioritise safety, precisely measure and add chemicals, and maintain optimum pool chemistry.

Alternatives to Using Bleach to Clean Your Green Pool

Algaecides are chemical treatments used to prevent algae growth in pool water. When dealing with a green pool, it is critical to recognise the type of algae present (green, black, or yellow algae) in order to select the appropriate algaecide. Algaecides function by disturbing the cellular structure of algae, inhibiting growth, and eventually killing them.

Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for the proper dosage based on the size of your pool and the severity of the algae infestation. While algaecides can efficiently clear up green pool water, appropriate water chemistry is required to avoid further algae development.

Natural Enzyme Therapies

Natural enzyme treatments are a more environmentally friendly way to tackle algae and organic matter in pool water for eco-conscious pool owners. Enzymes are bio-based substances that naturally break down organic pollutants like algae, oils, and sunscreen residues in the pool environment without adding dangerous chemicals. While natural enzyme treatments may take longer to provide noticeable benefits than chlorine-based approaches, they provide a long-term, non-toxic alternative for maintaining water clarity.

Filters made of diatomaceous earth (DE)

For improved water clarity, consider updating your pool filtration system to a diatomaceous earth (DE) filter. DE filters catch and remove even the smallest particles from water by using a thin powder manufactured from fossilised diatoms, a form of algae.

The small holes effectively collect debris, algae, and pollutants as the water flows through the DE filter grids, resulting in clearer pool water. Regular backwashing is required to clean the filter and remove accumulated particles in order to preserve the DE filter’s performance.

Pool Clarifiers (Flocculants)

When dealing with a green pool that has become a murky mess with huge particles suspended in the water, flocculants, also known as pool clarifiers, can be a useful tool. Flocculants cause particles to congeal and sink to the pool’s bottom, forming a visible layer of debris that can be readily vacuumed and removed.

This strategy speeds up the process of restoring water clarity by swiftly removing big particles that the pool filter alone may not be able to capture. Allow the water to settle for several hours or overnight after adding the flocculant, and then manually vacuum the pool to remove the collected particles.

Vacuuming by Hand

Manual vacuuming can be an effective and precise means of cleaning tiny green pools or localised algae outbreaks. Attach a vacuum head to your pool pole and attach it to a venturi vacuum system or a pool pump.

You can directly target regions affected by algae development or debris buildup by physically vacuuming the pool floor and walls. This strategy is particularly useful for dealing with persistent algae in difficult-to-reach areas or in smaller pools where chemical treatments may not be essential.

Sanitisers that use ultraviolet (UV) light

UV sanitisers provide a modern, chemical-free method of sanitising pool water. UV light is used in these systems to break the DNA of algae, bacteria, and other microbes, rendering them unable to reproduce and effectively destroying them.

UV sanitisers can be installed as part of the pool’s circulation system and act in conjunction with less chlorine or other sanitisers to keep the water clear and clean. UV systems require little maintenance and emit no toxic byproducts, making them a safe and environmentally responsible choice for pool owners.

Chlorinators for Salt Water

Traditional chlorination methods are increasingly being replaced with saltwater chlorination. A salt cell is used in saltwater chlorinators to convert salt (sodium chloride) into chlorine, which sanitises the pool water. The chlorine produced by the saltwater chlorinator is more balanced and natural, making it easier on the skin and eyes than standard chlorine.

While a saltwater pool contains chlorine, it is less likely to produce the unpleasant chlorine odour that is commonly associated with standard chlorinated pools. When the salt levels are appropriately adjusted and the salt cell is functioning properly, saltwater pools can assist in preventing algae growth and preserve water clarity. Check and clean the salt cell on a regular basis to guarantee optimal chlorine production.

Cleaning a green pool without bleach is possible by utilising a variety of alternative approaches, each of which caters to individual interests and objectives. Choose the approach that best suits your preferences, pool size, and budget, and remember to monitor and modify the water chemistry of your pool on a regular basis to prevent algae growth and have a nice and refreshing swimming experience.

Can Bleach Safely Clean a Saltwater Pool That is Green?

Can bleach be used to clean a green saltwater pool? Yes, but it needs careful thought and following specific rules. Bleach can remove algae and bacteria in pools, but use it carefully.

Make sure your saltwater pool system works with bleach. Adding bleach to certain pool systems can cause damage or chemical imbalances. Before continuing, check the guidelines from your pool manufacturer or consult a professional pool service.

To safely use bleach in your pool system, calculate the right amount. Add one gallon of liquid chlorine bleach per 10,000 gallons of pool water. Always check the bleach label for instructions and dilution recommendations.

Wear gloves and eye protection when using bleach. It’s a strong chemical. Spread the bleach evenly on the pool’s surface by pouring it or using a pool brush to help distribute it.

After adding bleach, make sure to circulate the pool water well and test its chemical levels to ensure they are safe. Regular monitoring and adjustments may be needed to restore water clarity and balance.

To summarize, you can clean a green saltwater pool with bleach, but you need to be cautious and consider your pool system and chemical needs. It’s best to consult a pool professional or follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for safe and effective cleaning.


Can I clean my green pool with conventional household bleach?

While standard home bleach can be used to clean a green pool, it is critical that the bleach contains no additions such as perfumes or thickeners. Look for unscented, plain bleach that contains the active component sodium hypochlorite. This bleach is often used for pool sanitation and algae removal. Check the label to ascertain the bleach concentration (typically 5-6% sodium hypochlorite), then calculate the optimum dosage based on the size of your pool and the chlorine levels required to effectively cure the algae problem.

How can I preserve my pool equipment while it is being bleached?

It is critical to protect your pool equipment from any harm caused by excessive chlorine levels while using bleach to clean a green pool. Before pouring the bleach, turn off the pool pump and filter to prevent the high chlorine from going through the system. Consider removing any pool cleaners, skimmer baskets, and other pool equipment during the treatment. This precaution will prevent the bleach from coming into direct contact with these components, extending their longevity.

Can I swim in the pool after cleaning it with bleach?

Swimming in the pool after using bleach to clean it is not recommended. Swimmers may be harmed by the high chlorine levels during the shock treatment. Allow the pool pump and filter to run continuously for at least 24 hours after adding the bleach to allow the chlorine to disperse and the levels to drop to a safe range (between 1 and 3 parts per million). Before permitting anyone to swim in the pool, use a pool testing kit to ensure that the chlorine levels are safe.

How can I keep my pool from turning green when I clean it with bleach?

Regular pool care and proper water chemistry will keep your pool from turning green again. Regularly test the pH and chlorine levels of the water and make any required modifications to maintain proper chemical balance. Regularly skim and remove debris from the pool to eliminate organic matter that contributes to algae formation. To maintain adequate circulation and filtration, make sure the pool pump and filter are working properly. Consider utilising a pool cover to avoid debris accumulation during periods of limited use or when the pool is not in use for extended periods of time.

Can I clean my green pool with other chemicals in addition to bleach?

It is critical to avoid mixing chemicals with bleach because this can result in severe and harmful reactions. For example, combining bleach with acids (such as muriatic acid) might result in the production of deadly chlorine gas. Also, unless the product clearly specifies that it is okay to use algaecides or other pool chemicals in conjunction with bleach, avoid using both at the same time. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and dosage recommendations while using chemicals.

Is it common for my pool to become cloudy after cleaning it with bleach?

Yes, it is common for a pool to get foggy after being cleaned with bleach. The cloudiness is induced by the bleach’s neutralisation of dead algae and other pollutants. This debris becomes suspended in the water, giving it a hazy appearance. To remedy this, make sure the pool pump and filter are continuously operating during and after the bleach treatment. Consider using a pool clarifier or flocculant to assist the filter in capturing and removing tiny particles, which can improve water clarity even more.

Can I clean a green pool with shock treatment instead of bleach?

Yes, shock treatment can be used to clean a green pool instead of bleach. To eradicate algae and bacteria, shock treatment includes adding a high dose of chlorine or other oxidising chemicals to the water. Shock therapies, such as calcium hypochlorite or sodium dichloroisocyanurate, are available and can be useful in restoring water clarity. Follow the manufacturer’s dosage and application directions, and remember to keep proper water chemistry after the shock treatment to prevent algal recurrence.

How do I calculate the correct amount of bleach to apply to my green pool?

To estimate how much bleach to put to your green pool, consider the size of the pool as well as the present chlorine levels. Calculate the volume of the pool in gallons and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the precise concentration of bleach you’re using. To adequately raise the chlorine levels during the shock treatment, it is recommended to add 1 to 2 litres of bleach per 10,000 gallons of water. Use a pool testing kit to check the chlorine levels and make any necessary adjustments.

Can I clean a pool with vinyl or fibreglass surfaces with bleach?

Yes, you can clean a green pool with vinyl or fibreglass surfaces using bleach. However, it is critical to exercise caution and use the proper concentration of bleach to avoid causing harm to the pool’s surface. Reduce the amount of bleach used in vinyl and fibreglass pools vs concrete pools since these materials are more prone to harm from high chlorine levels. Brush the pool walls and floor lightly to avoid harming the surface while removing algae and debris.

Can I use bleach to clean a saltwater chlorinated pool?

Yes, you can use bleach to clean a saltwater chlorinated pool. However, because saltwater pools already have a lower chlorine concentration, it is critical to apply bleach sparingly. Calculate the amount of bleach required based on the size of the pool and the current chlorine levels. Adding bleach to a saltwater pool can temporarily increase chlorine levels, especially during the shock treatment to fight green water. For best pool sanitation and clarity, remember to monitor and maintain proper water chemistry in a saltwater pool, including the appropriate salt level and salt cell operation.


Hi, I'm Asim! I love giving you cleaning guides, tips and tricks that will make your place sparkle and shine. Through years of practice, I've learned effective ways to clean and can't wait to help you. From tough spots to general cleaning, I can help you. Come along with me on this cleaning adventure, where I'll give you tips and tricks to make your cleaning process easier. Let's work together to make clean haven.

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