Saving Your Brushes: Tips for Cleaning Dried Acrylic Paint Brushes

Acrylic paint is a beloved medium among artists for its versatility, quick-drying time, and vibrant colors. Unfortunately, one of the drawbacks to using acrylic paint is that it dries quickly – making it difficult to clean off brushes after each use. Without regular cleanings, acrylic paint will harden on the bristles over time, rendering them stiff and unusable over time; thus, cleaning your acrylic paint brushes after each use is essential in maintaining their quality and longevity.

In this blog post, we’ll cover how to clean dried acrylic paint brushes. We’ll supply all necessary supplies, walk you through the cleaning process, and offer some tips and tricks for keeping your brushes in optimal condition. Additionally, we’ll discuss common mistakes you should avoid when caring for acrylic paint brushes.

By following our step-by-step guide, you can discover how to effectively clean your dried acrylic paint brushes, helping them last longer and providing superior performance for future art projects. So let’s get started!

What You’ll Need When Cleaning Your Acrylic Paintbrushes

Before we dive into the cleaning process, let’s first discuss the supplies needed for drying acrylic paint brushes. These will depend on the type of acrylic paint (water-based or oil-based) and how dry your brushes are. Here is a list of essential items you should have on hand:


  • Water: Water is the most common solvent used to clean water-based acrylic paint brushes. To ensure thorough cleaning, always use warm water.
  • Acetone: Acetone is an ideal solvent for cleaning dried acrylic paint from brushes. It can be readily purchased at hardware or beauty supply stores; however, it’s essential to wear gloves when handling acetone as it may cause skin irritation if not handled properly.
  • Isopropyl Alcohol: Isopropyl alcohol is an ideal solvent for cleaning dried acrylic paint. It’s available at most drugstores and safe enough to use without gloves.
  • Mineral Spirits: Mineral spirits are often employed to clean oil-based acrylic paint brushes. Though effective at dissolving dried paint, these solvents must be handled with caution as they can be flammable; thus, it should only be used in a well-ventilated area.
  • Turpentine: Turpentine is another solvent often used to clean oil-based acrylic paint brushes. It has a stronger odor than mineral spirits and should only be used in well-ventilated areas for safety.

Cleaning Tools

  • Paint Brush Cleaner: This specially formulated cleaning solution is ideal for brush cleaning and conditioning paint brushes; it can be found at most art supply stores.
  • Soap and Water: Soap and water are an effective alternative to solvents for cleaning water-based acrylic paint brushes. You can use mild dish soap or hand soap to thoroughly cleanse the brushes.
  • Comb or brush: Utilizing a comb or brush, you can easily and thoroughly remove any stubborn paint residue from the bristles.
  • Rag or paper towel: Use a rag or paper towel to wipe away excess paint and clean the brush after it has been soaked in solvent or cleaning solution.

By having these supplies on hand, you can efficiently clean your dried acrylic paint brushes, preserving their quality and performance over time.

How do you clean dried acrylic paint brushes after they have dried?

How do you clean dried acrylic paint brushes after they have dried?

Now that you have all your supplies in hand, let’s begin the cleaning process. Here are a few step-by-step instructions for properly cleaning dried acrylic paint brushes:

Preparing the Brushes

  • Remove excess paint from the brush: Begin by wiping away excess paint from the brush with a rag or paper towel. Be gentle as you do this so as not to pull or twist the bristles, which could damage them.
  • Rinse the brush with water: If you are cleaning a water-based acrylic paint brush, rinse it thoroughly with warm water to remove any remaining paint. Be sure that all residue has been rinsed away.

Selecting the Solvent

  • Water for water-based acrylic paint: Water for water-based acrylic paint brushes is usually sufficient; however, if paint has dried on the bristles you may require using a cleaning solution to remove it.
  • Acetone or isopropyl alcohol for dried acrylic paint: When cleaning dried acrylic paint from your brush, use either acetone or isopropyl alcohol. Dip the brush into the solvent so that all bristles are submerged, and leave it to soak for several minutes to allow the solvent to dissolve the paint.
  • Mineral spirits or turpentine for oil-based acrylic paint: If you need to clean oil-based acrylic paint off of your brush, use mineral spirits or turpentine. Dip the brush into the solvent, making sure all bristles are fully submerged, then let soak for several minutes to allow the solvent to dissolve the paint.

Cleaning the Brush

  • Soak it in your chosen solvent: After selecting the appropriate solvent, soak the brush for several minutes in it. Be sure to wear gloves if using acetone, mineral spirits or turpentine as these may contain hazardous materials.
  • Stroke the solvent into the bristles with a brush or comb: Be gentle when working the solvent into the bristles, as vigorous rubbing or scrubbing can damage them.
  • Rinse the brush with water: Once the paint has been completely dissolving, rinse your brush thoroughly with warm water to eliminate any remaining solvent. Be sure that all traces of solvent have been eliminated from the bristle.
  • Repetition may be necessary: If the paint is particularly stubborn or there remains some residual paint on your brush, repeat until it is clean.

Drying and Reshaping the Brush

  • Gently squeeze the excess water from the brush: Once you have cleaned the brush, gently squeeze away any water from its bristles. Be careful not to pull or twist these delicate bristles as this could damage them.
  • Reshape the Bristles: Gently run your fingers over the bristles to shape them back into a straight and even shape. Make sure the bristles are evenly spaced and straight across.
  • Make sure your brush dries completely before using it again: Hang the brush upside down or lay it flat on a clean surface to air dry. Make sure the brush dries completely before you reuse it again.

Following these steps can effectively and efficiently clean your dried acrylic paint brushes, preserving their quality and performance for extended use.

Tips and Tricks for Cleaning Dried Acrylic Paint Brushes

Cleaning dried acrylic paint brushes can be a tedious task, but there are some tips and tricks you should keep in mind to make the task simpler and more efficient. Here are some helpful hints and techniques for effectively cleaning your dried acrylic paint brushes:

Clean Your Brushes Quickly After Use: Delaying brush cleaning can make it harder to remove dried paint residue. Therefore, try to do so as soon as possible after each use.

Use the Appropriate Solvent: Make sure to use the correct solvent for the type of paint you are working with. Water is usually sufficient for water-based acrylic paint, while for dried acrylic or oil-based acrylic, use acetone, isopropyl alcohol, mineral spirits or turpentine.

Soak the brush: Soaking your brush in a solvent can help dissolve dried paint and make it easier to clean. Be sure to let your brush soak for several minutes before beginning any cleaning procedure.

Brush or Comb the Bristles with Solvent: Use a brush or comb to work the solvent into the bristles, helping remove any remaining paint and ensuring they have been thoroughly cleaned.

Be Gentile: Exercise caution when cleaning your brushes, as vigorous rubbing or scrubbing can damage their bristles. Instead, use gentle strokes and take your time to ensure all bristles receive a thorough clean without being damaged.

Rinse Thoroughly: After cleaning your brushes with warm water, be sure to thoroughly rinse them with warm water in order to eliminate any remaining solvent or paint. Doing this prevents leftover solvent or paint from damaging your next painting.

After cleaning your brushes, be sure to dry them thoroughly. Squeeze out excess water, reshape the bristles, and let the brushes air-dry completely before using them again.

Store Your Brushes Properly: Take good care of your brushes to extend their lifespan. Store them in a cool, dry place with the bristles facing up, which helps them maintain shape and prevents them from being damaged.

Make Use of a Brush Conditioner: Utilizing a brush conditioner can help keep your brushes soft and supple, keeping them from becoming stiff or brittle over time.

Avoid hot water: Never use hot water to clean your brushes, as this can damage their bristles and cause them to become misshapen.

By following these tips and tricks, you can effectively and efficiently clean your dried acrylic paint brushes, helping them maintain their quality and performance over time. Be gentle when using solvents, and take your time to ensure that each brush receives a thorough cleanse and proper care.


Can Water Be Used to Clean Dried Acrylic Paint Brushes?
Water is an ideal solvent for water-based acrylic paints, but it cannot be effective at cleaning dried acrylic paint brushes. Dried acrylic paint requires stronger solvents such as acetone, isopropyl alcohol, mineral spirits or turpentine for effective removal. Water may still be used to rinse brushes after having been cleaned with a solvent.

How do I remove hardened acrylic paint from my brushes?
Removing hardened acrylic paint from brushes requires a solvent that can dissolve it. Soak the brush in this solvent for several minutes until softened, and then work the solvent into the bristles with either a brush or comb until all traces of paint have been eliminated.

What is the Best Solvent to Use for Cleaning Dried Acrylic Paint Brushes?
When it comes to cleaning dried acrylic paint brushes, there are a few different solvents you can try depending on what kind of paint you have. Acetone works great but isn’t recommended when working with natural bristle brushes. Mineral spirits or turpentine also work effectively but tend to be more expensive than isopropyl alcohol which works equally well on synthetic and natural bristle brushes alike.

How long should I soak my dried acrylic paint brushes in solvent?
The amount of time you should soak your brushes depends on the level of paint buildup. If the paint is just beginning to dry out, a few minutes should be sufficient. However, for stubborner deposits, you may need to leave them soaking for several hours or overnight.

Can I use soap and water to clean dried acrylic paint brushes?
Unfortunately, soap and water will not effectively remove dried acrylic paint brushes. Water-based acrylic paints can still be cleaned with soap and water; however, once the paint has dried, a stronger solvent is necessary to dissolve it.

How often should I clean my acrylic paint brushes to prevent them from drying out?
After using acrylic paint brushes, be sure to clean them promptly in order to prevent the bristles from drying and hardening. If you’re working on a large project and need to take a break, wrap your brushes in plastic wrap or aluminum foil to keep them moist until you can resume painting again.

Is it okay to use a comb or brush to clean dried acrylic paint brushes?
Absolutely. These tools can help work the solvent into the bristles and remove any remaining buildup of paint. However, be gentle when using these tools so as not to damage the bristles.

What is the best way to dry my acrylic paint brushes after cleaning them?
Once your brushes have been thoroughly rinsed, gently squeeze out any excess water and reshape their bristles. Lay them flat on a clean, dry surface and allow them to air dry completely before using them again. Do not stand them upright while wet as this could allow water into the ferrule or damage the bristles.

How should I store my cleaned acrylic paint brushes to avoid damage to their bristles?
When it’s time to store your acrylic paint brushes, wrap them in paper or a clean cloth and store them in a cool, dry place with their bristles facing up. Doing this helps them maintain their shape and protects them from being damaged. Do not store these brushes upside down!


Cleaning dried acrylic paint brushes may seem like a daunting task, but with the correct supplies and techniques, it can be an easy and efficient process. Use an appropriate solvent, soak your brushes, and make gentle strokes to avoid damage to their bristles. Drying and storing your brushes properly also helps extend their lifespan and maintain quality. By following these tips and tricks, you’ll ensure your brushes receive proper care so you can create beautiful works of art with ease.


Hi, I'm Asim! I love giving you cleaning guides, tips and tricks that will make your place sparkle and shine. Through years of practice, I've learned effective ways to clean and can't wait to help you. From tough spots to general cleaning, I can help you. Come along with me on this cleaning adventure, where I'll give you tips and tricks to make your cleaning process easier. Let's work together to make clean haven.

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