Cleaning Dog Saliva Stains from Walls: Natural and Effective Solutions

As the proud owner of a dog, I know how happy our pet friends can make our lives. But even though our dog friends make us happy, they can make quite a mess around the house. One of the most frustrating things for pet owners is having dirty walls covered in dog saliva from frequent licking or shaking off water after a bath. These stains can be unsightly and hard to clean, but don’t worry! Over the years, I’ve found good ways to deal with this problem, and I’ll share them with you in this article so your home stays clean even if you have a pet.

You need to know what it is made of chemically and how it affects surfaces

To get dirt off of walls caused by dog spit, you need to know how it works and what it does. Dog saliva is made up of water, enzymes, and proteins that help the body digest food, cool it down, and clean wounds. When it touches a wall, it can leave an ugly stain that is hard to get rid of.

Enzymes and proteins in dog drool can break down and get into walls, which can cause discoloration and maybe even damage. Also, saliva can have germs and microorganisms in it that can cause bad smells and possibly damage walls over time.

The type of wall surface is also a big factor in how bad spots are on walls. Drywall and wallpaper may quickly soak up spit, making it harder to get rid of. Tiles and glass, which don’t have pores, may be easier to clean, but they can still get stained if they’re exposed to saliva for a long time.

By knowing what dog saliva is made of and how it affects walls, pet owners can take steps to prevent stains and damage caused by their dogs’ saliva, such as cleaning and maintaining surfaces regularly and using cleaning products that are made to get rid of pet stains without further damaging surfaces.

Depending on how bad the dog spit is, you might need different tools and supplies to clean the walls

Dog spit on dirty walls needs to be cleaned off with the right tools and supplies so that the surface of the wall doesn’t get any worse. Here are some important things:

  • Protective Gear: Gloves, goggles, and masks can keep you safe from allergens or dangerous chemicals in cleaning solutions.
  • Cleaning Solutions: White vinegar or baking soda may work well to get rid of dog drool stains on walls. Other cleaning products may also work well to get rid of pet stains. Choose one that looks good on your wall and works well to get rid of pet stains.
  • Scrub brush: Scrub brushes with soft bristles can help get rid of tough spots without scratching or hurting the walls.
  • Bucket: Water can be used to dilute cleaning products and rinse your scrub brush when necessary.
  • Ladder or step stool: Depending on how high your wall is, you may need a ladder or step stool to reach higher places.
  • Clothes made of microfiber: Soft microfiber cloths are the best way to wipe down walls after they have been cleaned and dried.
  • Paint Touch-Up Materials: If the dog saliva stain has damaged your paint or wall surface in any way, paint touch-up materials could help fix it.

Make sure you have these tools and supplies so you can safely and effectively clean walls, that have been slobbered on by your dog, and keep your home clean for you and your pet.

There are natural and non-toxic ways to clean up dog saliva marks

Cleaning Dog Saliva Stains from Walls

Cleaning walls with dog saliva stains isn’t easy, but you might be able to get rid of those annoying spots just as well with natural, non-toxic cleaners that won’t hurt your wall or your health. Here are some natural and non-toxic methods that work well:

White vinegar: White vinegar is a natural cleaner that is good for the environment and can get rid of dog saliva spots well. White vinegar and water in equal parts can be put in a spray bottle and sprayed directly on a spot. Let it sit for a few minutes and then wipe it off with a clean, damp cloth.

Baking Soda: Baking soda is a mild abrasive that can help get rid of dog saliva spots that are hard to clean. Just mix baking soda with a small amount of water and apply it to the spot. Let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes before gently scrubbing it with a soft-bristled brush or wiping it with a damp cloth.

Lemon Juice: Lemon juice is a natural bleach that can be used to get rid of dog saliva marks. Squeeze fresh lemon juice on the spot and let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes before applying pressure with a soft-bristled brush and wiping with a clean, damp cloth.

Castile Soap: Castile soap is a natural detergent made from plants that are made to be gentle on surfaces while getting rid of dog spit stains. Mix a few drops of castile soap with water in a spray bottle, then spray the mixture on the spots that need to be cleaned. Let the solution sit for a few minutes before wiping it clean with a clean, damp cloth.

Hydrogen peroxide: Hydrogen peroxide is a natural bleaching and sanitizing product that can be used to get rid of even the most stubborn dog saliva stains. Mix equal parts of hydrogen peroxide and water in a spray bottle. Spray the mixture on the spot, let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes, and then wipe it off with a damp cloth.

Essential Oils: Some essential oils, like tea tree, lavender, and eucalyptus, kill bacteria and can be used to get rid of dog saliva spots. Put a few drops of essential oil and water in a spray bottle. Spray the mixture on the spot, let it sit for a few minutes, and then wipe it off with a clean, damp cloth.

Before using natural and non-toxic cleaning products, it’s important to try them on an unnoticeable part of a wall to make sure they won’t damage or discolor the wall in a way that won’t go away. Also, when handling cleaning solutions, make sure to follow all of the manufacturer’s directions and wear safety gear like gloves and a mask.

Dog owners can do more than just use natural and non-toxic cleaning products to keep dog drool from staining the walls. Regular grooming, like wiping their dog’s mouth with a damp cloth after they eat or drink to clean it, can help prevent spit from building up. Putting mats or towels in high-traffic dog areas, like entryways or mudrooms, may also help catch saliva before it gets on the walls.

How to Prevent Dog Saliva Stains on Walls in the First Place

It’s always better to avoid a problem than to try to fix it, and this is definitely true when it comes to dog saliva spots on walls. Cleaning products and methods can get rid of spots that are already there, but it’s much easier and takes less time if they don’t happen at all. Here are some tips to help you avoid dog stains:

Training Your Dog: If you don’t want your dog’s spit to get on your walls, the first thing you need to do is teach your dog not to lick or drool on them. To do this, they need to be trained consistently and in a way that gives them good reinforcement, like redirecting their behavior toward the right toys, bones, or treats.

Provide water: Dogs who are thirsty may lick walls or other surfaces to feel better, so make sure there is always plenty of fresh water and think about adding another bowl to encourage them to drink more often.

Use a Water Bowl: Use a water bowl that doesn’t drip or drop. Some dogs drool when they drink from water bowls, so using one that doesn’t drip or drop will cut down on the amount of drool that gets on walls or floors.

Place mats or towels near high-traffic areas: Put mats or towels in places where your dog spends a lot of time that get a lot of foot traffic. This will catch any drool or spit before it gets on the walls and make sure that everyone is in a cleaner space.

Regular grooming: Brushing the mouth and chin on a regular basis can cut down on the amount of spit that gets on walls or furniture.

Cover Walls: If you have high-traffic areas or places where dogs drool or lick the walls, you might want to cover them with something tough and easy to clean. This method can be quick and save you money.

Use a Deterrent Spray: Commercial deterrent sprays can help stop dogs from eating or drooling on walls, but before you buy one, make sure that all of the ingredients are safe for both pets and people.

By taking these precautions, you can cut down on the number of dog saliva spots on walls by a lot. As well as using these tips to get rid of stains right away, before they get harder to get rid of.

How to clean the different types of wall surfaces

It can be hard to clean walls that have been stained by dog spit, especially if the stain hasn’t been noticed for a long time. It’s important to choose a good way to clean certain wall surfaces so that you don’t do more damage to them and so that dog saliva doesn’t leave as many spots or other problems. Here are some different ways to clean different types of surfaces:

Walls that have been painted

Most homes have walls that have been painted. Use milder cleaners to get rid of saliva spots on painted walls instead of harsh chemicals and abrasives that could damage the paint. Instead, make a mild solution of warm water and dish soap. Soak a sponge in this solution and gently scrub the stain with your fingernail or a soft bristle brush in a circular motion until the stain is gone. Don’t forget to rinse well with clean water and dry with a towel afterward!

Wallpapered walls

When cleaning wallpapered walls, you have to be extra careful. Check the manufacturer’s guidelines before cleaning wallpapered walls to see if you can just use water. If you can, use a mild solution of warm water and dish soap on a soft cloth and rub each stain in a circular motion to avoid damaging the wallpaper. If you can’t get the job done with just water, try a professional wallpaper cleaner. Make sure it has been tried out first in a hidden place to make sure there won’t be any long-term damage.

Brick walls

Because bricks are porous, it can be harder to get rid of saliva spots on them. Start by vacuuming to get rid of any loose dirt or waste. Then, mix warm water and mild dish soap in a bucket to make a solution. Scrubbing with stiff-bristled brushes in a circle motion should get rid of stains quickly. Rinsing with clean water and repeating this process until all stains are gone, and then drying with a clean towel, will finish the job.

Concrete Walls

Dog spit can stain concrete walls, so it takes some work to clean them. Start by vacuuming to get rid of any loose dirt or debris. Then, mix warm water and dish soap in a bucket. Use a stiff-bristled brush and warm water from the tap to scrub the stain in a circular motion until the stain is gone. Rinse with clean water and repeat this process until all the stains are gone. After that, use a clean towel to dry the spot.

Stucco walls

Stucco walls are weak, so they need to be cleaned carefully so they don’t get damaged. Start by wetting the area with clean water. Then, mix warm water and mild dish soap in a bucket and use soft bristled brushes to scrub any spots in a circular motion. Rinse and repeat until the spot is gone. After each step, dry the area with a clean towel.

Wood walls

To avoid damaging the surface, you have to be careful when cleaning saliva spots off wood walls. Begin by dusting or vacuuming away loose dirt or trash. Next, mix warm water and mild dish soap together in a bucket. Then, use a soft cloth to scrub any leftover stains in a circular motion with the warm water and mild dish soap solution in the bucket. Rinse with clean water and let dry. If the stain lasts longer than planned, you may need to sand it down and start over.

In addition to using the above methods, it’s important to avoid using strong chemicals or rough cleaners on any wall surface. They can cause damage that can’t be fixed and make it harder to get stains out. It’s always a good idea to test a cleaning product in an unnoticeable spot first to make sure it won’t do any damage that can’t be fixed.

How to clean the walls in places where dogs hang out a lot, like mudrooms or entryways

Areas like mudrooms and entryways that get a lot of foot traffic can be hard to keep clean when you have a dog. Here are some tips on how to clean these places better:

  • Regular Cleaning: For the best dog settings, walls in high-traffic dog areas need to be cleaned regularly to prevent dirt, dust, or dog saliva stains from building up and to make it easier to get rid of any stains that do happen. Also, cleaning it often makes it easier to deal with spots if they show up.
  • Use a Protective Barrier: In places where dogs go a lot, install protective barriers on the walls to help keep them from getting damaged or stained. Some of these barriers could be clear plastic pieces or paint that can be cleaned.
  • Choose the Right Cleaning Solution: Make sure the solution you use on walls and dogs is safe and non-toxic. For most surfaces, a solution of warm water and mild dish soap works well and is safe.
  • Consider Using a Steam Cleaner: Steam cleaning is a good way to get rid of dirt and stains in places where dogs spend a lot of time without using chemicals that could hurt the environment.
  • Don’t Forget the Baseboards: Baseboards in areas where dogs spend a lot of time can get dirty quickly. To clean baseboards, use the same solution and method you would for walls.
  • Use a Microfiber Cloth: Microfiber cloths are soft on walls and good at getting rid of dirt and spots without leaving behind any lint or residue.
  • Air Out the Room: When cleaning the walls in an area where dogs spend a lot of time, it’s important to air out the room to prevent musty smells or mold growth. If you don’t do this, musty smells or mold growth could happen over time.

By using these tips, you can clean the walls in places where dogs spend a lot of time and keep your home looking clean and inviting.

How often should you clean walls with dog saliva spots to keep your home clean?

Depending on how active they are and where they live, dog saliva spots on the walls need to be cleaned regularly to keep a clean home. Most of the time, it’s best to do this job at least once a week.

Places where dogs go often, like mudrooms or entryways, need to be cleaned more often to keep dirt, dust, and spit from building up. By cleaning these areas more often, you can avoid any growth that might happen.

If your dog is especially busy or messy, you may need to clean walls with dog saliva stains more often. Clean any spots as soon as they happen so they don’t set in and become harder to get out later.

Regular cleaning not only keeps homes clean and free of marks, but it can also keep dirt, dust, and spots from damaging walls in the future. Over time, this buildup of dirt and grime can do a lot of damage to walls, requiring full wall replacements or a lot of patchwork fixes.

Overall, if you make cleaning walls with dog spit stains a regular part of your cleaning routine, your home will continue to look and smell its best.

Can vinegar be used to clean dog saliva spots off of walls?

Vinegar works well on many surfaces around the house, but it might not be the best way to clean walls with dog saliva spots. Vinegar might be able to get rid of some stains and smells, but it might not be strong enough to get rid of tough stains without damaging some wall surfaces.

Vinegar is an acid, so it can react with some paints or wall coverings and cause discoloration or damage. However, it can’t get rid of all types of stains, like oil and grease spots.

A solution of warm water and mild dish soap can be used to clean walls with dog saliva spots instead of vinegar. This solution is gentle on most wall surfaces and gets rid of dirt, grime, and stains without damaging them.

If you’re not sure if a cleaning solution will work on your wall’s surface, it’s always a good idea to test it first in a small, out-of-the-way spot before using it all over. This will keep it from getting damaged or discolored and make sure it works well on your type of wall surface.

Can bleach be used to get rid of dog drool spots on walls?

Bleach is a good disinfectant that kills germs and bacteria, but it might not be the best choice for cleaning walls with dog saliva spots. Bleach can’t get rid of tough spots and may change the color of some wall surfaces.

Bleach should only be used to clean walls with dog saliva marks if the spots are very hard to get rid of or if you are trying to disinfect an area, like a kennel or pet area. In these situations, it’s important to be careful when diluting and applying bleach according to the manufacturer’s directions for the best results.

When using bleach, it’s important to wear gloves and eye protection and make sure the room has enough airflow. Also, bleach should never be put directly on surfaces like wood or some kinds of paint because it could damage them in a way that can’t be fixed.

Most of the time, the best and easiest way to clean dog saliva stains off of walls is to mix warm water and mild dish soap. This solution can remove dirt, grime, and stains without hurting most surfaces. If you’re not sure if a cleaning product will work on your walls, you should always do a small test patch before putting it on the whole surface.

Can a steam cleaner help get rid of the spots that dog saliva left on my walls?

Using a steam cleaner to get rid of dog drool stains on walls is a good way to get rid of tough stains and kill germs and bacteria at the same time. However, care must be taken when using a steam cleaner on different types of wall surfaces.

Steam cleaners work by heating water to make steam, which loosens and removes dirt and spots from surfaces while killing germs and bacteria in the process. This makes them a great choice for areas where pets hang out and where people walk a lot.

But not all wall surfaces can be cleaned with steam. If you use a steam cleaner wrong, you could damage or darken your walls. So, you must read and follow all of the manufacturer’s instructions to make sure that your surface can handle the high heat and wetness that a steam cleaner produces.

Care should also be taken when using a steam cleaner so that it doesn’t get too deep into the walls and cause damage. When you use this machine, you should also be in a well-ventilated area and wear safety gear like gloves and eye protection.

Most of the time, the best and most effective way to clean walls with dog saliva stains is to use warm water and mild dish soap. If you’re not sure if using a steam cleaner is a good idea, try it out on a small, hidden area before using it on the whole surface.

Final Thoughts

Cleaning walls with dog saliva spots can seem like an impossible task, but with the right tools and methods, you can make your home a healthy place for you and your pet. To get rid of dog saliva spots on walls, you must first figure out what kind of wall surface needs to be cleaned. Then, you can choose a cleaning solution that works well and is safe for that type of wall surface.

Cleaning solutions like baking soda, vinegar, and lemon juice can be used to get rid of light stains and smells. For more serious stains and smells, a mixture of warm water and mild dish soap might work better. It’s also a good idea to take precautions, like teaching your dog not to go near certain places and keeping a towel handy to wipe their mouth after they drink or eat.

Dog spit stains on the walls need to be cleaned regularly if you want to keep your home clean and healthy for you and your pets. Experts say that you should clean your walls at least once a month, but it depends on how often you use them and what they are made of.

You can make sure that both you and your furry friend live in a clean and healthy home by using good cleaning methods and taking preventive steps. With some work and the right tools, you can live in a nice place that is also good for dogs.


Hi, I'm Asim! I love giving you cleaning guides, tips and tricks that will make your place sparkle and shine. Through years of practice, I've learned effective ways to clean and can't wait to help you. From tough spots to general cleaning, I can help you. Come along with me on this cleaning adventure, where I'll give you tips and tricks to make your cleaning process easier. Let's work together to make clean haven.

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